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During the winter holidays, a group of 15 students from 8th, 10th, and 11th grade embarked on a captivating adventure to Cambridge, England, as part of our study trip program, which we were thrilled to have resumed this year for the first time since the pandemic.

Accompanied by our English Subject Leader, Mrs. Valery Taucher, and our English teacher, Mrs. Rosario Montesino, the group spent a total of three weeks on the European island. The program focused on an intensive language course at the prestigious Abbey College in Cambridge, where the students honed their English skills and earned well-deserved certifications.

Beyond academic pursuits, the group engaged in a variety of entertaining recreational activities, discovering fascinating landmarks within and around the city. Their trips included punting on the river Cam to explore the renowned Cambridge Colleges, a visit to the Cambridge University Botanic Garden boasting over 8,000 plant species from across the globe, and an inspiring journey to Westminster Abbey and the House of Parliament in London, culminating in breathtaking views from Brighton Pier.

Our utmost wish is that these experiences have left an indelible mark on our students’ hearts, allowing them to forge connections with young people from diverse cultures, make lasting friendships, and embrace newfound experiences that will foster personal and cultural growth.

We extend our appreciation to Mrs. Valery Taucher and Mrs. Rosario Montesino for their guidance throughout this exceptional multicultural journey. Their dedication has made this trip an unforgettable experience for our students.

In den Winterferien begab sich eine Gruppe von 15 Schülerinnen und Schülern der Klassen 8, 10 und 11 im Rahmen unseres Study Trips, den wir in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal seit der Pandemie wieder durchgeführt haben, auf ein spannendes Abenteuer nach Cambridge, England.

In Begleitung der Fachleiterin für Englisch, Frau Valery Taucher, und der Englischlehrerin, Frau Rosario Montesino, verbrachte die Gruppe insgesamt drei Wochen auf der europäischen Insel. Im Mittelpunkt des Programms stand ein intensiver Sprachkurs am renommierten Abbey College in Cambridge, wo die Schülerinnen und Schüler ihre Englischkenntnisse verbessern und ihre wohlverdienten Urkunden erhielten.

Zusätzlich zu den akademischen Aktivitäten nahm die Gruppe an einer Reihe von kurzweiligen Freizeitaktivitäten teil und entdeckte faszinierende Sehenswürdigkeiten in und um Cambridge. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler hatten hier die Möglichkeit, am Fluss Cam entlang zu schippern, um die berühmten Cambridge Colleges zu erkunden, sie besuchten den Botanischen Garten der Universität Cambridge mit über 8.000 Pflanzenarten aus aller Welt und unternahmen einen Ausflug zur Westminster Abbey, zum House of Parliament in London, und zum Brighton Pier, der mit einem unvergesslichen Ausblick endete.

Wir hoffen, dass all diese Erlebnisse bei unseren Schülerinnen und Schülern einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen haben und sie dadurch Verbindungen zu jungen Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen knüpfen, dauerhafte Freundschaften schließen und neue Erfahrungen machen konnten, die ihre persönliche und kulturelle Entwicklung fördern.
Wir bedanken uns bei Frau Valery Taucher und Frau Rosario Montesino, dass sie die Lernenden auf dieser außergewöhnlichen Reise begleitet haben. Ihr Engagement hat die Studienreise zu einem unvergesslichen Abenteuer für die Schülerinnen und Schüler gemacht.

For all of us the worst part was leaving. Our trip started the first of July. In the three weeks we bonded with people from all over the world, went to classes together and traveled England on the weekends. It was definitely the best three weeks in Cambridge learning and getting to know people.

Every morning after our breakfast we went to the library and were welcomed by the staff who reminded us of our keycards constantly. We clearly won’t be forgetting them now! Then our classes began. They were the perfect mix of learning and having fun. We all feel more confident in English and have improved noticeably. Each day we had different activities where we were separated into groups. The activities consisted in group work and visiting beautiful places like Ely, Brighton, Stratford, London and, of course, Cambridge. It was impossible not to create friendships by comparing our languages and cultures with everybody.

Saying goodbye to everyone was the saddest thing that happened in the three weeks, it was a moment full of tears. We will miss the long walks through Cambridge, playing cards on the train rides, and the sleepovers (even if they weren’t allowed. Don’t tell Finley). I think we can all agree that even though it was sad to leave, we left happy knowing that now we have friends from all over the world and a better English.

(Amelia Lessau II-B)